A new blend for courses – same content, different delivery
- Posted by Fiona Thomas
- On 7 July 2021
Appreciating Church courses are available digitally. As potential participants for our courses have become accustomed to meeting online we have shifted to making our courses available in digital ways, alongside the inherited ‘analog’ style. In physical courses flip charts, sticky-notes, cartoons, and creativity abound as people explore the practical applications and theoretical underpinnings of appreciative inquiry over two days. Since October 2020 we have run two small courses along the lines of Taste of AI, now renamed Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry. The participants have covered all the usual content through a combination of plenaries, break-out rooms, and individual study between sessions. This offers exciting ways to shape how Appreciating Church practitioners facilitate learning in future. Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry will be available in physical and digital formats, while the advanced Deepening Your Appreciative Inquiry Practice has moved to mainly digital delivery.