AI is the first cousin of positive psychology, rather than being about positive thinking.
It offers up its greatest benefits when seen as a way of being, by working from the principles
It does not ignore problems but looks at them from a different perspective
At its best it is generative and transformational
Ideally before using it, take some AI training to feel comfortable and fluent with the approach. If that is not possible then ‘start small’ by asking different and appreciative questions
Practice using AI interview questions (protocols).
AI will be particularly useful where learning and sharing of best practice is a key objective
Taking time on the Definition stage from the 5D model is useful in defining a topic for the inquiry
What are the essential benefits?
There are a number of well documented benefits of using AI:
The emphasis on ‘building on what works’ and on people’s strengths is energising.
The assumptions lying behind it contribute to its generativity
It encourages co-creativity, co-design, and an understanding of the whole system.
It fosters solutions and actions that are “owned”.
It encourages personal and organisational resilience and well- being.