Appreciating Church
Appreciating Church is a Christian ecumenical project which aims to encourage the church at a local and national level to engage people in an inclusive way, listening to ‘all the voices’, building on our existing strengths and skills, counting our blessings and co-creating a resilient church as part of the kingdom of Heaven.
Appreciating Church seeks to develop a self-sustaining Appreciative Inquiry (AI) community of practice across the churches. The organisation was originally initiated by the United Reformed Church, in partnership with the Methodist Church, Quakers, and the Congregational Federation, with interest from individual dioceses of the Church of England and others.
The programme offers AI training and advice supported by the Appreciating Church resource book which is a source of practical understanding of AI theory and practice, theological insights, experiences of AI within the Church, and worship material.
This is the story of how Appreciating Church developed, and its outline plans for further development.
November’s Appreciative Space will be facilitated by Suzanne Quinney from Appreciating People. Suzanne is one of the co-authors of the 2024 book Appreciating Health and Care, drawing on her many years of facilitation and training with colleagues in the National Health Service and care sector.