An inviting example of using Appreciative Inquiry with churches
- Posted by Fiona Thomas
- On 31 March 2022
- InvitingForward
Jim Coleman describes using Appreciative Inquiry as an invitation to churches to think together about their life going forward. Inviting Forward, developed by the URC’s Yorkshire Synod encourages congregations to have a positive vision for the future, starting from looking at what is working well in the present.
Jim outlines the steps which created a questionnaire or protocol to enable a ‘whole system’ conversation so that every voice could be heard equally, which resulted in appreciative inquiry being woven into the structures of the synod.
Most importantly, Inviting Forward offers a 3-part process which churches perceive as liberating and helpful:
- Paired conversations involving as many people associated with the church as possible;
- A church SOAR day, again involving as many of the extended church community as possible, to identify next steps to the future;
- If required, a follow-up meeting with key leaders within the congregation to help facilitate putting more ‘flesh on the bones’ regarding those next steps.
The full case study is available along with the Inviting Forward Guide for Churches